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Colorado AFCC

Colorado Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

Contact: April Freier, Administrative Assistant
To Contact AFCC -

February 13, 2025

COAFCC Scholarships

Scholarship Information

Through the generous donation of members, and proceeds from COAFCC’s annual Silent Auction, we are able to provide a limited number of partial scholarships for the Chapter’s two annual conferences, as well as full scholarships for the regional educational events, such as the NoCo and SoCo series of dinner speakers.

1. How to Apply for a Scholarship?

Please complete the application questions that are found at the bottom of this page. If you would prefer to send your application in hard copy, you can find the questions here and either email (preferred) or snail mail your application to April Freier, COAFCC Administrator, 4307 W. 6th St., Greeley, CO 80634-1333. Your application must reach April by the deadline date in the program announcement; and you will be notified of the Scholarship Selection Committee’s decision within seven days. If you are applying for a partial scholarship to one of the COAFCC annual conferences, regardless whether you receive it; you will still qualify for the Early Bird discount, so long as you register for that conference within five days of notification from the Scholarship Selection Committee.

2. How Many Scholarships Can an Applicant Receive?

An applicant may receive a maximum of two educational meeting full scholarships (e.g., NoCo or SoCo dinners), and one annual conference partial scholarship in any two consecutive year period.

3. What Are the Income Guidelines for Eligibility for a Scholarship?

Applicants who serve non-profit, “poverty law” organizations in family law; those in practice less than three years; as well as Court staff below judicial officer level; are automatically considered to meet the income guidelines. Other economic criteria listed on the submitted scholarship application are considered separately by the Scholarship Selection Committee.

4. Diversity Criteria Considered for Scholarships?

COAFCC fully endorses the diversity criteria described by the AFCC parent organization, to include age, gender, ethnicity, disability, culture/economic factors, religion, sexual orientation, and geographic region of the state. The scholarship application also asks if there is anything else related to diversity that the applicant wishes the Committee to consider.

5. References Requested for Conferences?

The Committee requests the name and contact information for a professional reference for conference scholarship applications.

Applying for a Scholarship

Please complete the following scholarship application. If you would prefer to send your application in hard copy, you can find the questions here and either email (preferred) or snail mail it to: Colorado AFCC, c/o April Freier, 4307 W. 6th St., Greeley, CO 80634-1333,


Do you meet the listed scholarship guidelines (work for “poverty law” family law non-profit; in practice less than three years; or work for the Court in a position below judicial officer? - please specify)

Is there any other economic criteria the Selection Committee should consider?

Do you meet the listed diversity criteria on the scholarship information page, or is there anything related to diversity that you wish the Selection Committee to consider?

Is there any other circumstance or consideration, besides the above, that you wish the Selection Committee to consider?

Professional reference:

Thank you, and if you have any questions about the application questions or process, please contact COAFCC Administrator, April Freier, at:

Upcoming Events

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Save The Date!
LGBTQIA+ Issues in the Courtroom and the Family Law Profession
February 18, 2025
Honorable Elise Myer
9th Judicial District Court Judge
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Navigating Family Court Cases with LGBTQ+ Clients: Obstacles and Paths Forward
March 18, 2025
Lindsey Sank Davis, Ph.D.
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Spring Conference and Members Meeting
April 25, 2025
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Upcoming Webinar
Sept 28, 2021
Nov 30, 2021
Jan 25, 2022
Mar 29, 2022

Mediation and Early Neutral Assessment (ENA): How to Make the Most of a Good Thing

Spring Conference and Members' Meeting & Elections
April 8, 2022

Resist Refuse Dynamics
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Barbara Fidler

Click here for more information.
Save The Date!
Upcoming Webinar
Sept 28, 2021
Nov 30, 2021
Jan 25, 2022
Mar 29, 2022

Fall Conference
April 8, 2022

Resist Refuse Dynamics
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Barbara Fidler

Click here for more information.